Service Times: Sundays at 9:00 am and 11 am; Wednesdays at 7 pm.

Community Groups

What is a Community Group?

Community Groups are smaller groups that meet together regularly at various places and times for encouragement, discussion, learning and prayer throughout the week. This is the best way
to get to know others in the church. Our groups run for 8-10 weeks with new groups
starting regularly throughout the year. Please contact the church or go to the
Connection Table after service to learn more.

How much of my time is this going to take?

Community Group meetings last approximately 90 minutes each. The groups often begin with a snack or a meal and are followed by discussion and prayer. As Community Group members begin to develop friendships,
they often will want to spend even more time together.

What are we going to do with our children
during our Community Group?

Community Groups have various childcare solutions - hire a sitter for the group, have another home near the host home with a parent keeping them, adults rotate keeping the kids in a separate room, etc. Some groups do not have childcare.

What will be discussed?

Most Community Groups will have discussion based on the previous Sunday's message with questions provided.
If you missed Sunday's message, you can find the teaching and questions online.

Click here if you would like them emailed to you automatically each week.

Am I going to have to talk or can I just sit and listen during meetings?

Community Groups are like family - sometimes you talk, sometimes you listen. No one is forced to talk, but many of the questions can be answered by anyone, since they are about “life.” As the group develops, people become much more comfortable. We have discovered that people who seldom speak up in large groups will talk in Community Groups.

Will I have to pray out loud?

No. Each person is are allowed to move at their own pace. When you want to share a prayer concern or
pray out loud, you will be encouraged to do so.

What if I want to try a different group?

This is the beauty of the semester system! If you want to try a different group, just sign up for another group next time around. To be honest, this does not happen very often and the percentage of people who sign up again is over 90%.

Is it important I attend every week?

For the consistency of the group, we ask you to commit to attending at least 75% of the meetings.
That may seem like a lot, but once you enjoy the “community” you will rarely want to miss!

How much do I have to know about the Bible?

Nothing. Community Groups are all about learning - not debating the Bible or being tested on our spiritual knowledge. There will be semesters when Community Groups will study a book and other times a curriculum that coincides
with the sermon series. This is often when the greatest personal spiritual growth happens.
This is reason enough to want to be in a Community Group.

Community Group Form

If you would like more information, or if you would like to sign up for a Community Group,
fill out the form below: