Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
While Calvary Chapel Morris Hills is deeply committed to spreading the Gospel and equipping the church in Northwest New Jersey, we are also committed to supporting the work of God elsewhere in the world. We believe that God has
uniquely positioned the United States of America to finance the spreading of the Gospel throughout the globe.
Much of our money is “invested” in organizations that train and equip pastors and missionaries to take the
“Good News” to the unreached people of the world. We are blessed to have frequent visits from
missionaries to update us on the work of God across the world.
uniquely positioned the United States of America to finance the spreading of the Gospel throughout the globe.
Much of our money is “invested” in organizations that train and equip pastors and missionaries to take the
“Good News” to the unreached people of the world. We are blessed to have frequent visits from
missionaries to update us on the work of God across the world.
Bible College
Church Planting, Evangelism & Pastor Training

Ken & Michi Meyer
Evangelism in Vienna, Austria
Click here for Email Updates
International Mercy Ministries
Local & Domestic Ministries
Care Net Pregnancy Resources
First Choice Women's Resource Center
Inspire Sports Camps
Evangelistic Summer Camp for underserved inner-city youth that seeks to connect them with a local church